The fading sunset colours and the increased leaping salmon was a wonderful setting for an evening fish along the Scarborough Bluffs waterfront.
I was casting and quickly retreIving a glowing spoon lure all around my area.
A jumping salmon could be seen SPLASHING every five minutes!
I had a salmon suddenly grab my spoon and with a super heavy leap snap off the lure. It had enough force to open the metal snap! I re-tied a new snap swivel and added a new glow in the dark spoon.
About an hour later around 8 pm another salmon hit my spoon.
Peter scooped up the fish in a ladnding net and Chris held a flashlight high .
The fish was bronze in colour and measured 32 inches. I guess around 10 pounds. |
The glow in the dark spoon. |
Reflection harbour lights. |
Beautiful salmon landed
quick removal of salmon eggs with a sharp fillet knife. |
Opening is just large enough to place a hand inside and remove eggs. |
First of two sections of eggs removed. |
Second section of eggs removed |
Mink chasing around the fish laying on the grass hoping for a tasty snack. |
Measuring a big male salmon caught and released by PETER CHANDLER
Almost 42 inches! |
Look at the teeth! A RapalA JOINTED MINNOW CARANKBAIT J18 hooked this bad boy a
long the Scarborough water front. |
Peter's super big fish before release back inro the lake.
He estimated that this chinook in it's prime in the summer would have weighed 35 plus pounds, or 12 kilos! |